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Ashima Sharda Mahindra • 23 Jul 2024
10 Ways To Prevent Motion Sickness Without A Medicine
Traveling can be a menace for some people due to motion sickness, which causes nauseating feelings, along with dizziness
Traveling can be a menace for some people – making a perfectly curated trip go unpleasant due to motion sickness, which causes nauseating feelings, along with dizziness, clammy hands, uneasiness, or vomiting. While experts say there is no single explanation for why only some people get motion sickness there are many simple strategies that help to prevent or reduce the symptoms.
How to prevent motion sickness during travel?
Doctors suggest immediately changing your position or distracting yourself when you first notice motion sickness to ease your symptoms before they become severe. However, there are a few more tips that provide you with some immediate relief, including:
Face the direction you are traveling
If you are a co-passenger and not driving, your sitting position disconnects your visual sense and inner ear. And so, experts recommend sitting on the front and facing the direction of the road.
Keep eyes on the horizon
Try focusing on a stationary object at a distance while the vehicle in which you are traveling is in constant motion. According to experts, distance helps with visual stimulus and reduces the symptoms of motion sickness.
Eat light, salty foods
Doctors say eating a light snack, like salty crackers helps ease nausea associated with motion sickness. However, heavy, greasy foods can cause acidity which only aggravates and makes motion sickness worse as they are slow to digest. Eat foods like:
Keep hydrated
Keep sipping cold water or a carbonated drink, like seltzer or ginger ale that is extremely beneficial to curb your nausea. However, do not drink caffeinated beverages, like coffee and sodas that lead to dehydration that makes nausea worse.
Distract yourself
Make sure to distract yourself by either listening to music or starting a conversation to keep your mind off how you are feeling. You may be able to distract yourself enough to feel better. According to studies, music helps with post-operative vomiting, though it has little effect on nausea itself.
Pressure points
Nei guam is a procedure to stimulate acupressure points along your wrist that help provide quick relief from nausea and vomiting caused due to motion sickness. To do this effectively, place the index, middle, and ring fingers of your right hand on the inside of your left wrist, starting under the crease.
Then apply pressure on both wrists for a few seconds or until the symptoms pass.
Few fragrances like peppermint help reduce the symptoms of motion sickness. According to studies, you can use essential oils, and inhale them without any other risks to minimize any side effects of motion sickness. You may find that taking sniffs from an essential oil bottle or using an essential oil necklace is more convenient in a moving vehicle.
Licorice root lozenges
Licorice root is extremely helpful in soothing stomach ulcer pain, stomach acid irritation, and indigestion. It is also useful in warding off nausea and vomiting.
Herbs like ginger and chamomile are among the best ways to ward off the ill effects of motion sickness and nausea. While you can chew them directly, there are many supplements made with these herbs that are easily available in pharmacies, that you can take before your journey.
Stay away from your phone
If you suffer from motion sickness, you may have trouble reading books or texts on different devices. It happens due to the sensory disconnect between the inner ear and the eyes. And so, it is important to not focus on something up close as it can worsen your symptoms.